How can a gallon of gasoline produce 20 pounds of carbon dioxide?
It seems impossible that a gallon of gasoline, which weighs about 6.3 pounds, could produce 20 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) when burned. However, most of the weight of the CO2 doesn’t come from the gasoline itself, but the oxygen in the air.
When gasoline burns, the carbon and hydrogen separate. The hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water (H2O), and carbon combines with oxygen to form carbon dioxide (CO2).
A carbon atom has a weight of 12, and each oxygen atom has a weight of 16, giving each single molecule of CO2 an atomic weight of 44 (12 from carbon and 32 from oxygen).
Therefore, to calculate the amount of CO2 produced from a gallon of gasoline, the weight of the carbon in the gasoline is multiplied by 44/12 or 3.7.
Since gasoline is about 87% carbon and 13% hydrogen by weight, the carbon in a gallon of gasoline weighs 5.5 pounds (6.3 lbs. x .87).
We can then multiply the weight of the carbon (5.5 pounds) by 3.7, which equals 20 pounds of CO2!

Calculating your carbon footprint
All water taxis (and boats for that matter) are not the same. There are many different boat designs and engine types powering boats and this variety brings a huge range of efficiently affecting the fuel use of any one water taxi. Other factors affecting efficiently include how the boat is operated and maintained and weather conditions.
Our Water Taxis
We primarily use two water taxis – The M/V Billy Hawk & M/V Beowulf.
M/V Billy Hawk
The M/V Billy Hawk uses about 12.5 gallons of gas on a round trip crossing of Kachemak Bay and can carry six passengers.
One gallon of gas produces about 20 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (CO2.).
One round trip cruise on the M/V Billy Hawk, from Homer to Glacier Spit emits out the exhaust pipe about 250 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (CO2.) into the air.
Your carbon footprint crossing Kachemak Bay on the M/V Billy Hawk for a hike to Grewingk Glacier Lake has a carbon footprint of approximately:
- 1 Passenger = a carbon footprint is 250 pounds
- 2 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 125 pounds
- 3 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 83.30 pounds
- 4 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 62.50 pounds
- 5 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 50 pounds
- 6 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 41.61 pounds
M/V Billy Beowulf
The M/V Beowulf uses about 4.5 gallons of diesel in a round trip crossing of Kachemak Bay and can carry 15 passengers.
One gallon of diesel produces about 22.44 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (CO2.).
One round trip cruise on the M/V Beowulf, from homer to Glacier Spit emits out the exhaust pipe about 101 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into the air.
- 1 Passenger = a carbon footprint is 101 pounds.
- 2 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 50.49 pounds
- 3 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 33.66 pounds
- 4 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 25.25 pounds
- 5 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 20.20 pounds
- 6 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 16.83 pounds
- 7 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 14.43 pounds
- 8 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 12.63 pounds
- 9 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 11.22 pounds
- 10 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 10.1 pounds
- 11 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 9.18 pounds
- 12 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 8.41 pounds
- 13 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 7.77 pounds
- 14 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 7.22 pounds
- 15 Passenger = a carbon footprint for each passenger is 6.73 pounds
Schedule Your Ride
Our water taxi service operates as we receive reservations and the daily schedule is centered around reservations made. Your early reservation is our scheduling priority. We will add other passengers to a water taxi as reservations are made. No matter if you make reservations months in advance or on the same day you want to go, our boats can take you with little delay.